Filing for bankruptcy can be the best option if you find yourself in serious financial trouble. It gives you a clean slate to begin again without debt hanging over your head. However, bankruptcy also does some damage to your credit because it is a sign that you...
Helping Clients Overcome Personal And Legal Challenges
Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges
Month: December 2021
Review your will after these life changes
If you have written a will, you are already doing better than most adults in the U.S. According to Marketplace, approximately half of all Americans die without this essential document. However, if you do not update estate plans, you could still leave your loved ones...
Bankruptcy consequences do not have to be long-term
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may have concerns about how it will affect your future. It is important to understand that bankruptcy does affect your credit score and ability to borrow money. However, these consequences do not last forever. There...