If you enjoy riding an e-scooter, it is crucial to realize the different risk factors that could cause you to become injured. For example, you could become involved in a traffic accident if you ride on the road or near vehicles (such as a parking lot). While using an...
Helping Clients Overcome Personal And Legal Challenges
Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges
Month: August 2022
What is dischargeable in bankruptcy?
Filing bankruptcy can allow you to get a clean financial slate. It can enable you to wipe out debts you cannot pay or create a repayment plan that you can afford and follow through with. In many cases, the debts you have will qualify for discharge, which means removal...
Divorce and property distribution: Who gets the house?
During a divorce, property division is a major concern, and, in certain cases, a point of contention. Houses, often a couple's largest asset and investment (in terms of emotion and memories as well as money, labor and time), are one of the most highly contested pieces...