When you apply for a loan, lenders often require a cosigner if they have concerns about your ability to pay them back, regardless of the amount. Personal guarantees are usually necessary for those starting a business. While having a cosigner can help you secure a...
Helping Clients Overcome Personal And Legal Challenges
Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges
Managing the emotional impact of bankruptcy: 6 steps to take
Filing for bankruptcy can be a profoundly emotional and stressful experience. It marks a significant point in your financial life, and it is normal to feel a mix of emotions: relief, shame, frustration and uncertainty about the future. How can you cope emotionally...
What happens to stocks after Chapter 7?
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves liquidating assets to repay creditors. Stocks, like other financial assets, may be part of this liquidation process, but their fate depends on specific factors in your case. Understanding how Chapter 7 impacts stock ownership...
How to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Alabama
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows individuals in Alabama to address overwhelming debt. This legal process can lead to the discharge of debts and enable you to gain a fresh financial start. While it may seem daunting, understanding the basic steps can simplify the...
The benefits of filing for bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is a significant decision that can provide relief and a fresh start for individuals facing overwhelming debt. Considering the benefits of bankruptcy can help determine if it is the right solution for your financial struggles. Immediate relief...
How to ensure you don’t accrue excessive debt after bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can provide a fresh financial start, but it’s essential to adopt good habits to avoid accruing excessive debt again. It might be helpful to know some practical steps to help you stay on track. Create a realistic budget Start by creating a...
How bankruptcy can help protect your home
For many individuals and families, their home is often the most valuable possession they own. A home provides a sense of security and stability. But what happens when financial struggles threaten to take that away? Fortunately, bankruptcy can provide a solution,...
What types of debts will a bankruptcy discharge?
Bankruptcy can provide relief from overwhelming debt, allowing individuals to reset their financial situations. Knowing which debts can be discharged helps in understanding the potential benefits of filing for bankruptcy. Unsecured debts Unsecured debts include credit...
The role of the means test in qualifying for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
One important step when considering bankruptcy is understanding if you are eligible. The means test helps determine this. It applies to Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which allows for the discharge of most debts without a repayment plan. The means test evaluates your income...
How does bankruptcy affect your credit scores?
Filing for bankruptcy can lead to significant changes in one's financial life. You may wonder how it impacts your credit scores. Understanding how bankruptcy affects a credit score helps individuals prepare for the consequences and plan for financial recovery. Lowered...