Helping Clients Overcome Personal And Legal Challenges

Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges

What to know about discovery in a divorce case

Discovery is a critical part of any Alabama divorce proceeding, and it is important that you are open and honest throughout this process. Otherwise, your attorney may have a harder time representing your interests during settlement talks or at trial. It is important to note that in a divorce proceeding, there is a high likelihood that your secrets will eventually be revealed no matter what you do.

What types of documents may be obtained during discovery?

During the discovery process, you are allowed to request any document that may contain information that is relevant to your case. This means that you might be able to look at credit card statements or tax returns to get a better idea of your spouse’s economic health. It might also be possible to review bank, brokerage or other financial account statements to determine the types of assets he or she may have.

How to handle being deposed or interrogated

A deposition or interrogation is an attempt by your spouse’s counsel to obtain information that can be used against you during a divorce case. It is important that you don’t guess, speculate or provide information that you weren’t asked to provide when answering a question. While it may be tempting to put your answers into their proper context, you are likely doing little more than making the opposing counsel’s job easier.

A family law attorney may be able to create a strategy to help you dissolve your marriage in a favorable and timely manner. This person may also be able to take steps to end your marriage in a way that protects your children from unnecessary drama and emotional harm. For instance, your lawyer may suggest settling a case through mediation as the discovery process can be streamlined and completed in a less adversarial manner.
