After filing for bankruptcy, you likely want to get started on rebuilding your credit right away. But what options do you have? There are many steps you can take when looking into getting a new card after bankruptcy. But should you? Credit cards as a trust-building...
Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges
Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges
Month: April 2023
Can mediation help you reach a divorce settlement?
Divorcing couples in Alabama often seek mediation to resolve difficult issues and create a divorce agreement. Mediation has many advantages and can save you and your spouse time and money during your divorce. However, mediation is not an appropriate choice for every...
What forms does debt collector harassment take?
Dealing with debt is already a nightmare all on its own. When debt collectors get added to the mix, it is more than just a simple headache. Debt collector harassment unfortunately happens somewhat frequently, so it is important for those in debt to know what they are...