Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges

Overcoming Personal and Legal Challenges

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What is Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

If you feel overwhelmed by medical debt, credit card debt or another type of debt, you may have considered bankruptcy as an option to help you move forward financially. There are two types of consumer bankruptcy you can file: Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13...

How bankruptcy impacts your financial future

Filing for bankruptcy is likely the last thing you want to do, but there are times when you get in over your head financially. Your need to file may be the result of circumstances completely out of your control. However, before you file for bankruptcy, you should...

What protections does bankruptcy afford?

Digging yourself into a financial hole may happen for a variety of reasons. A sudden job loss or medical emergency may see you diverting money to pay for things outside of your control. When your financial situation worsens, and debt collectors call around the clock,...

Do you know your credit utilization ratio?

Thanks to near-record inflation, many families in Alabama and across the country are struggling to make ends meet. If you cannot afford basic necessities, it might be logical to reach for your credit cards. After all, credit cards allow you to buy essential items now...